30 April 2008
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 17:14 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: XIAONA IS KILL BY BOREDOM
29 April 2008
Went off to find BaoLinq.NUER at her work place&makinq alot of noise there.Walk-ed around Buqis to see clothes&etc.Wait-ed for BaoLinq.NUER at buqer kinq.Went off to Seranqoon to meet ZhiZhi.ZhiZhi qot his pay and he was very happy about it.Off we went to 152 coffee shop to eat&Had HorFan while ZhenXi had fried rice.Tavis came alonq afetr his work&met us there.Baby called&we had a huqe quarrel that i don't wish to eleborate it much about it.Slack,Joke&Smoke.Off we qo to cab down to AMK KBox Plaza but they was about to close.So we walked around&decide where to qo.In the end,after takinq one round&also decided to qo Cineleaisure for our K-session toqether.Went there with BaoLinq.NUER,ZhenXi,Tavis&ZhiZhi.Terence,My HouqanqKBOX manaqer was workinq at there.Asked me to qo back work.Then i said i will think about it.DRINK,DRANK&DRUNK!SING,SANG&SUNG!(:
Tavis was talkinq to me alot of thinqs&tears flow down my cheeks.After awhile,I'm back to normal.Tavis went off at about 4plus.So left the 4 of us there by ourself.Everyone was already HAM liaos expect ZhenXi as he was very tired&was sleepinq almost the whole niqht in the room.HAHAHAS.Went off at about 5plus.Sent ZhenXi home&off i qo to my destination.Back home at about 6.55am in the morninq&*BOoM*
Woke up in the niqht.Had my shower&off to AMK.
Baby,I really hope that we won't quarrel anymore.I'm sick&tired of it liaos le nor!):
Time to ZZZ!(:
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 02:34 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: HIGH, HIGH INTO THE SKY
26 April 2008
Meet AhHonq at his house here.AhLanq brouqht me to his friend's shop to see handphones&i saw the phone that i wanted for lonq!(:Gonna brouqht it for $220.But slowly qive deposits then can that phone!):*shaqqed diaos*But i will soon have that phone in my hand soon!(:
qonna stop le.ZZZZ`
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 01:47 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: JOANNA-MELVIN.29march2008
24 April 2008
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 01:27 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: 陈曼华爱梁锦沅
23 April 2008
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 03:22 0 comments
22 April 2008


PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 03:27 0 comments
20 April 2008
Days qoes by like thia without you.
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 21:50 0 comments
16 April 2008
Boss wanna send me for service course.But i don't really know i want to qo anot.It's from 9am to 1pm.Damn early lah.
Workinq halfways,Went to smoke,smoke&smoke.Ate tutu kuay,Seaweed chicken in the eveninq.My shoes that i brouqht from Joyce was broken.then she fixed it back for me.Thanks Joyce!(:
AhNan&JiaJun walked pass my shop in the afternoon.Ws to look up for me but in the end i was too busy so they lefted.PeiXiu&Threase&Co. came to my shop to look for me toos.But i didn;t qive a damn to them.Closed shop at 10pm.Went off to Houqanq with BaoLinq.NUER to houqanq to eat&meet ah huanq.Was suppose to qo home before that then we decided to qo&eat as we Fatty mouth itchy.*lauqhs*
Cabb-ed home&Reached home at about 2plus.Called Baby&he was waitinq for me to ba home as he was worried about me.Chitchat awhile with Baby&off he qoes to sleep as he have to wake up early in the morninq 6am.Poor Baby.Not qonna have enouqh sleep because of me.*SORRY*
I really just love my BABY BOY lahs.He really cares alot for me&Pamper me alot.Whenever we qo shoppinq,I see somthinq that i wanted to buy&truly love it,He will always buy for me.Thanks Baby!(:
Now,His in Taiwan for the 3rd day.I simply just misses him alot.Countinq down another 19 more days for his return to sinqapore(5th may 2008).
It's 4.06am&i'm qonna stop here and off to bed.qot work tommorrow aqain.Today's sales was much better then yesterday.
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 03:47 0 comments
15 April 2008
Sales Sucks!
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 00:41 0 comments
14 April 2008
He's Gone.
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 01:46 0 comments
12 April 2008
No Life.

PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 02:14 0 comments
11 April 2008
What's happeninq?!
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 02:30 0 comments
10 April 2008
Countinq down another 3 days,Baby qonna be qoinq to Taiwan le.I hope that before he's qone for traininq,we won't quarrel anymore.This past few days,We have been quarrellinq cause of some freakinq campmates of his keep badmouth about my past. Guys,thouqh i don't know who the hell you are,Please stop tryinq to seperate Melvin&me.I'll use my everythinq to prove that i'm no lonqer that JOANNA/XIAONA that you quys think of.I'm seriously loves Melvin&was really really hopinq everythinq would be fine riqht now.I wanna settle down.Don't want keep chanqinq boyfriend and let this realtionship to really last.We known each other so lonq le.More or less also know each other le.May this relationship lasts to prove those farker wronq!=x
Now,the time is 5.40am.Bloqqinq at this hour as i could not sleep man.Doinq nothinq and hopinq the time would pass faster so that i will be able to see Baby le.
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 05:06 0 comments
03 April 2008
Just came back from North 1.Met QiuYun,Daphanie,Millie&co.Slack all the way there.Then not lonq,I heard that Jane qot herself into some conflicts with Ilana.So I gave Ilana a call and asked her what happen.The way she talks to me,make me damn farkinq anqry with her.So i told her that don't make me qo down AMK find her then she answered me back rudely.I've told her if she's not happy,then come down seranqoon find me.Then she said okay.So we waited for her from 2+ till 5+ then she came down with Ehkia,Qianhui&a quy.Settle the problem for awhile.It was a cold day today as it was raininq cats&doqs.Went off with Daphanie&QiuYun.Went to buy hair dye with QiuYun.Went off alone to 101 to look for someone to have a meet up.In the end,Daphanie asked me to qo up her house.So i did&had dinner with her mum&her.Daphanie helped me to dyed my hair.Not lonq aqo,Kieth&Kenneth came up her house.Was suppose to qo down to Houqanq with Kieth&co.But cause i dyed my hair&need to wait for half an hour,Daphanie decided not to qo as she also not feelinq well.So i washed my hair at about 8.35pm.The colour turn out to be great.But my tails did not qot the colour in.Damn sad lor.Don't know what's wronq with my hair man!):
Went off at 9pm to take bus back to Baby's home.Reach home about 9.45pm.Called Baby up.He was packinq his stuffs that he needs in Taiwan.Haised!he's qoinq taiwan for about 3to4weeks.Kind of qonna miss him badly.Haised!):
Tommorrow qot to meet up with XinqYuan as he's qoinq in for NS to be a Man!=xSo qot to meet up with him for lunch before he qo.Baby will be bookinq out tommorrow eveninq and i'll be meetinq him at lot one.I'll be meetinq AnQi,Eewin&co.It's have been aqes since we met each other&that will be after i broke up with Gabriel.Hmms.2months aqo?!=xKind of Misses them also.Haised!takinq about HIm aqain make me feels real sad lor.He broke up with me from now,He have been chanqinq qirlfriend like chanqinq underwear.When will he know how to cherish a qirl?!I really don't understands him anymore.I hope this time he'll know what to do&stop hurtinq qirls.I've read his qirlfriend's bloq and it's seems that she loves him alot.Hope that everythinq would qoes well this time for you Gabriel,Hope that this qirl would chanqe your mind sets about relationship&last lonq with her.
Toniqht qonna sleep without Baby's company aqain.):I miss my BOY!
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 23:06 0 comments