Don't pretend to be happy when you are not.You are emotionally hurtinq yourself!I'm sure your love ones will cheer you up when they know that you are unhappy!(:
Today woke up later at 12.45pm as i'm really sleepy to qet up for work.left house at about 1.30pm&Headed to the 65 bus-stop.Went to the market to packet my lunch.Had laska&suqar cane juice.Was a little late for work as i have to buy my meal.Sales came in only around 3pm+.Was kind of bored&sleepy today.Sales qettinq worse each day.Haised!So upset lah.I have not been hittinq tarqet for a lonq time&i wish that i can hit it once aqain.Workinq with low spirits this past few days with the sales so bad&Not qettinq to see Baby till 5th May 2008!):
Yesterday,I helped a customer to keep 2 clothes that she wanna buy as she was in a rush.Called her up as she have leave her contact number to asked whether she still wants the clothes and she says YES!Was happy la.Around 6plus she came down as she have promised but after awhile later,she said that she don't want those clothes anymore after hearinq some comments about her wearinq the clothes from her friends.Damn sickeninq can!I could have sell it out if i have left it hanqinq outside for other customers!LiTinq was complaininq about her too when she went into her shop.LOLS!=x
MeiQi was workinq today at her shop but was been fired today as her friend was sittinq inside her shop.Suddenly,her lady boss came&cauqht her.Was anqry about it and fired her.So she no lonqer workinq at there le.Henry came findinq for us.He was slackinq at my shop&brouqht qreen tea(my favourite drink after all)for MeiQi&Me.Was very hunqry but was broke.So did not had dinner at all.Was cravinq for Lonq John Silver suddenly.Keep repeatinq to Henry.At about 7pm+,Henry said that he's qoinq home.So off he qoes.A few minutes later,he came back with a mee jian kuay&Nuqqets for me to fill a little bit of my stomach.He msq-ed me after that sayinq:"ahma,a little food to bless you.I lazy walk qo Lonq John Silver&have to rush home.So brouqht those finqer food for you instead".My SunZi treat me so qood.Thanks!(:
No sales at niqht.So i jumped over to Joyce shop to disturb her&sit in her shop slack slack abit.Was about to close shop at 10pm sharp&suddenly 2 china lady walked into my shop&browsed for about half an hours&brouqht a shirt&short.By the time,all the shop was closed around me.Was so scare la!Then they lefted le.I faster close shop without packinq everythinq.LOLS!=xWas wonderinq how to walk to parklane&at the same time Baby called me.Chit-chat with him then anyhow walk till i walk to Raffles City!=xLMAOTold Baby then he scold me SIAO!=.=I'm a directions idoit okay!):*sob*Then Baby asked me walk to sentec city there to take 100 instead.So i took&finally reached home.On my way home,Went to 7-11 to buy maqqie mee for my dinner(TomYum).Sick&tired of maqqie mee but no choice cause i'm broke!):
Baby promised to brinq me qo eat sakae sushi&Lonq John Silver after returinq to Sinqapore.I want qo Shoppinq aqain&to Sentosa trip!=x
Time to ZZZZ.But before that,I'm qonna play auditons for awhile!(:
Oh ya.Forqotten somethinq.Gabriel&TianShun qoinq in Lock-up tomorrow morinq at 9.45am.They qoinq court on friday for their Fresh Case le.I found out when i online&saw Gabriel's Nickname.Chat with him&asked him to take care¬ to turn back to the same mistake&etc.He replied me&said that he know&thanks for conerninq him.Thouqh we had a abit of conflicts for the past few weeks aqo,but i still feel sad for him.Was about to finaih his taqqinq&here,another case&that qoes same to TianShun.Guys,qonna take care&be stronq inside.Don't let history happen aqain in future.start afresh is still not that late.*bid qoodbyeees*
Another 11 more days&Baby will be back to Sinqapore!(:
Hopinq time would pass faster to see him aqain.I MISS YOU BOY!(:
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