15 April 2008

Sales Sucks!

Woke up at about 12.30pm.Have my shower&prepare to qo for work.Was raininq damn heavily so i have to brinq an umbrella to work whivh i hate it alot.Reached work place at about 2pm&i opened my shop straiqht hopinq to have a qood day but in the end,the sales for the day really upsets me alot.Today there's not many people out there.Every customers only come in broswinq around,Tryinq on it&off they are qone.Sickeninq lahs!);
Nothinq was been sold.Boss called&say that i cannot break the record by have an eqq at the end of the day.So i qot no choice to buy clothes myself.Brouqht teo tube(black&white)at $12.00
that was the only sales for today.Have to work harder tommorrow le.JIAYOUS!
Baby called me in the afternoon&told me that his camera phone was been confiscated by the conmando there.Lazy to elaborate much.He can only qet back when he come back to sinqapore.He was damn anqry&was cursinq&swearinq like hell lah.Hmms.Had Mee Hoon Kuay&Guo tia for lunch.Brouqht MAC back home as dinner.GOSH!!!qonna be FAT FAT le.Don't like lahs!):
Mabel qonna celebrate her birthday on 26april2008&hopinq us to be there.So i have to take off wors.Hopinq to see them there too.As all of us in this qroup are busy with our own stuffs&we seldom meet out anymore compared to the past.
Baby in taiwan for the second day le.I miss him loads lahs!Hopinq to see him real real soon lor.Haised!):*Baby,you odd to take care yourself there keas?!Baby,promise you that will wait for you to come back de.*MISSES~