22 June 2009
16 June 2009
Happiness Is What I Need .
I'm really glad & happy with my life right now though it's hard for me to find job due to bad economic that we are facing right now . Have not been updating my blog as hubby's laptop occurred some problem . Hubby is having his lion dance training . Didn't accompany him down as mum wants me to come back home to stay cause mum having her off days tomorrow and she's gonna cook ! (: For the past few days , hubby have been accompany me to my god-ma's for some mahjong session . I won a total of $18.00 yesterday ! (: *yeah* Going over to play tonight but not really sure what time as Fang not sure what time she will be coming back AMK . I'm getting FATTER ! ): I'm gonna be on my diet already . posting till here as i'm waiting for hubby to come over my place ! (: *nights* |
03 June 2009
First of all , i got to say that someone out there are interrupting my life . Why can't this type of people just mind their own life ? *CHILDISH* After staying at hubby's house , now back to my own house for dinner of my mum's cook really feels great about it !(: Going for mahjong session with MaMa , AhFang & Her cousin at their house . Hubby now at my house so damn shy like that lor . *laughs* |
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 16:31 0 comments
28 May 2009
Supposed to left 6days before i leftef the company . But i already lefted the day before yesterday . Was so angry with him that i took my bag & lefted the shop before the end of the day . We quarrelled ? Yes we did . But thanks to Melvin as he's like our translator . *LAUGH* Some credits to him too . Thanks MEL ! (: Yup . He aready knows that Mel knows about our stuffs already . So somehow , i got someone to turn to finally if we quarrel . Haha . Met Hubby at Kovan . Before that , i saw a ring at one of the jewellery shop at Amk Hub(forget the store name) I damn in love with it la . But it's cost a bomb ! =x It's costs about $1300plus !! Hubby wanted to buy that for me but it's really too expenesive already . So i told Hubby that i will still go see for a cheaper one . After meeting with Hubby , cabbed down to town to meet my Wai-yu(Jileen) , MeiMei & HuiZhen . They are really Shopping Queen sia . Brought so much of stuffs as they are preparing for their friend's upcoming wedding . Went to Charles & Keith with them & brought a bag for $29.90 . I quite like the bag but meimei say very aunty ! ): Around 9plus , HuiZhen's boyfriend came to fetch us one by one home . We waited for about half an hour to 45min for her boyfriend's arrival cause he said everywhere are having traffic jams . Reached how around 11pm & had my dinner . Hopefully i will have more outing with the girls ba ! (: It's quite enjoying going out with them . |
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 01:39 0 comments
23 May 2009
8 more days , I'm gonna be JOBLESS ! ): Thanks for Shawn for not allowinmg me to take back my resignation . Bryan have left the company yesterday . _____BLOG UNDER CONSTRUCTION_____ |
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 11:43 0 comments
08 March 2009
Let the pictures do all the talking .

Smile ! :D
This is the picture that i took when i went to resort after work with LongBiao & his friends to celebrate his farewell to Thailand . I like this photo but my photography standard is bad as you can see the toliet bowl . *laughs*
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 11:44 0 comments
06 March 2009
05 March 2009
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 14:35 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: HOT HOT HOT
04 March 2009
นับจากวันนั้น วันที่เธอทิ้ง
nap jaak wan nan wan tee ter ting
From that day, the day you left.
ฉันต้องยอมรับความจริง แม้ว่ามันไม่ง่ายเลย
chan dtong yom rap kwaam jing mae waa man mai ngaai loie
I had to admit the truth, even though it's not easy.
นับจากวันนั้น ฉันก็เจอเค้า
nap jaak wan nan chan gor jer kao
from that day I met him.
เค้าที่คอยเช็ดน้ำตา คอยดูแลไม่ห่าง
kao tee koi chet nam dtaa koi doo lae mai haang
He kept wiping my tears, constantly looking after me, never far.
อย่าร้อง เค้าบอกกับฉันว่าอย่าร้อง
yaa rong kao bok gap chan waa yaa rong
Don't cry, he told me, don't cry.
มีเค้าทั้งคนจะคอย อยู่ข้างฉัน
mee kao tang kon ja koi yoo kaang chan
I'll have him always by my side.
และแล้วและเราทั้งสองก็ได้คบ และไปด้วยดี ทำไม
lae laew lae rao tang song gor daai kop lae bpai duay dee tam-mai
And then we'd go out together, and have a good time, why
เธอกลับมา เอาตอนนี้
ter glap maa ao dton nee
do you come back now?
คนหนึ่งเค้าช่างดีกับฉัน จะทิ้งเค้าลงยังไง
kon neung kao chaang dee gap chan ja ting kao long yang ngai
One person has been so good to me, how could I leave him?
คนหนึ่งเคยทิ้งไป แต่รักไม่เคยจางหาย
kon neung koie ting bpai dtae rak mai koie jaang haai
One person once left me, but my love never faded.
ฉันไม่ใช่เจ้าหญิงจากไหน ก็คงต้องเลือกสักทาง
chan mai chai jaao ying jaak nai gor kong dtong leuak sak taang
I'm not a princess of any place, but I have to choose a path.
taang tee rak saam sao dtong jop
A path that must end this sad love triangle.
นับจากวันนี้ ฉันต้องเข้มแข็ง
nap jaak wan nee chan dtong kem kaeng
From that day, I had to be strong.
ระหว่างคนที่รักเรา หรือว่ารักครั้งก่อน
ra-waang kon tee rak rao reu waa rak krang gon
Between the person I love now and my previous love.
อย่าร้อง เค้าบอกกับฉันว่าอย่าร้อง
yaa rong kao bok gap chan waa yaa rong
Don't cry, he told me, don't cry.
มีเค้าทั้งคนจะคอย อยู่ข้างฉัน
mee kao tang kon ja koi yoo kaang chan
I'll have him always by my side.
และแล้วและเราทั้งสองก็ได้คบ และไปด้วยดี ทำไม
lae laew lae rao tang song gor daai kop lae bpai duay dee tam-mai
And then we'd go out together, and have a good time, why
เธอกลับมา เอาตอนนี้
ter glap maa ao dton nee
do you come back now?
คนหนึ่งเค้าช่างดีกับฉัน จะทิ้งเค้าลงยังไง
kon neung kao chaang dee gap chan ja ting kao long yang ngai
One person has been so good to me, how could I leave him?
คนหนึ่งเคยทิ้งไป แต่รักไม่เคยจางหาย
kon neung koie ting bpai dtae rak mai koie jaang haai
One person once left me, but my love never faded.
ฉันไม่ใช่เจ้าหญิงจากไหน ก็คงต้องเลือกสักทาง
chan mai chai jaao ying jaak nai gor kong dtong leuak sak taang
I'm not a princess of any place, but I have to choose a path.
taang tee rak saam sao dtong jop
A path that must end this sad love triangle.
คนหนึ่งเค้าช่างดีกับฉัน จะทิ้งเค้าลงยังไง
kon neung kao chaang dee gap chan ja ting kao long yang ngai
One person has been so good to me, how could I leave him?
คนหนึ่งเคยทิ้งไป แต่รักไม่เคยจางหาย
kon neung koie ting bpai dtae rak mai koie jaang haai
One person once left me, but my love never faded.
ฉันไม่ใช่เจ้าหญิงจากไหน ก็คงต้องเลือกสักทาง
chan mai chai jaao ying jaak nai gor kong dtong leuak sak taang
I'm not a princess of any place, but I have to choose a path.
taang tee rak saam sao dtong jop
A path that must end this sad love triangle.
คนหนึ่งเค้าช่างดีกับฉัน จะทิ้งเค้าลงยังไง
kon neung kao chaang dee gap chan ja ting kao long yang ngai
One person has been so good to me, how could I leave him?
คนหนึ่งเคยทิ้งไป แต่รักไม่เคยจางหาย
kon neung koie ting bpai dtae rak mai koie jaang haai
One person once left me, but my love never faded.
ฉันไม่ใช่เจ้าหญิงจากไหน ก็คงต้องเลือกสักทาง
chan mai chai jaao ying jaak nai gor kong dtong leuak sak taang
I'm not a princess of any place, but I have to choose a path.
taang tee rak saam sao dtong jop
A path that must end this sad love triangle.
This song is introduce by Melvin ! Actually i really hate Thai songs alot but it's in the past le . ever since i work woth them , i started to like Thai songs & It's infulence by them le . There's still a few more nice Thai songs that i like too . Hmms , shall update one songs by one songs next time ba .
I managed to reborn my hair on Monday cause pay come already ! It cost me $223 & i've got $750 for this month as i have advanced $100 for expenses & $150 for my F480 . F480 cost me $450 and i'm paying for 3month . Hmms , gave mum $100 for house rental & i have to buy MM95(china phone)for mum . Hmms , i have to renew my passport le ! =x
Ling textes me while she's in Malaysia . Mum's going Malaysai so i asked her to buy for my a cig casing . Hmms , I'm at work now but there's still no customer . The outlet that i'm in charge have closed yesterday as we have been complaint by those china dogs that we blocked there busniess way . WTF !
He's still sleepping ! still not here yet . Haised ! Those things that Ling told me really make me very stressed up . I not sure what to do right now . Haised ! take one baby step at a time ba .
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 11:25 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: Maybe My Love Will Come Back Some Day . Only Heaven Knows The Answer .
02 March 2009
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 13:44 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: Maybe My Love Will Come Back Some Day . Only Heaven Knows The Answer .
26 February 2009
Welcome back ! :D
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 17:24 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: Maybe My Love Will Come Back Some Day . Only Heaven Knows The Answer .
24 November 2008
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 00:52 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: Lifes just qoes UP and DOWN
03 November 2008
Damn long since i have touch my blog.Hmms,another 10days to get out from GRACEHAVEN!(:
it's gonna be FREE&no one gonna be barking behind me.LOLS!
Broke off sistership with Mabel since october.sigh!i told myself that if she can't get alongwith Huang,i'm gonna be selfish like what she have taught me to do.
Another 8more days to our 2nd month le.BABY,I'm damn farking in love with you!(:
Lazy to blog le lahs.Shall stop here&update again soon.
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 13:20 0 comments
08 September 2008
After been cut for 2months plus i quess?!this week is my first homeleave after i went back to Gracehaven.I was havinq hiqh fever at 38.9deqree!=xGosh!you know how uncomfortable am i?!On the friday niqht was helpinq to prepare stuffs for the Carnival on the 6september,i was damn mood swinq&sick man!AhMa qave me Pandadol&went to rest at the sickbay.My fever qone down but till in the noon of the Carnival,my fever qone up aqain.I did not informed the staff as i was havinq performance with some of the C block qirl(lazy to mention all the names).I tolerate till about 4plus&i couldn't take it&they brouqht me to the clinic at Seranqoon North Ave 1.Kieth,Nichloas,Millie,Mabel,HuiMin,AhWei,AhWei's qirlfriend,Christopher,Sharon,AhKen,HuiHui&AhLonq came down to the carnival to find me.Planned to qo swimminq after that but i was too sick so Aunty Prema wants my dad to come fetch me from hostel to homeleave.Did not went out on Saturday.But WeiConq came to meet me at my house downstairs.Have a chat&he went off to boat quay.It was Martin birthday on Saturday.But i did not helped him to celebrate as he went out with his friends&brothers.He drank alot&we did not managed to meet up once aqain.Quite disappointed man!): Yesterday,XiaoZu put me aeroplane!Argggh!say wanna to meet at AMKHUB.In the end waited for him for about 3hours&he did not turn up.So KokMenq came down instead.Chit-chat&arcarde qames&accompany him to eat.Went off to Compass to meet Sharon,AhKen,AhLonq,HuiHui&Banana.Went off at about 9pm with Sharon&AhKen.They drop me off at Sharon's house that bus-stop&took 165 home.On the way in the bus,i saw Laosu&ZhenXi!I was shocked to see ZhenXi man!So does he.Accompany him to wait for LaoSu but he took too lonq le.So we went off ourself. Planned to qo qym then swimminq.Everyone woke up already but Sharon still in her wonderland.Soi quess,we not qonna be qoinq anymore.But still,i meetinq them at compass.Joker cominq down too.Hmms,he asked me for patch yesterday but i indirectly rejected him&qivinq excuse as i'm havinq my N level. Shall bloq till here as i'm in the hurry to qo out!:D |
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 10:54 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: i chanqed number le.98838967
31 August 2008
After so lonq,i manaqe to at least qot myself a TIME-OFF from them(manaqement).Guess they qav me cause they are testinq me whether i'll run aqain?!*LAUGHS* I don't blame them for that cause they allowed me to qo back to school after they have breach me but i broke their trust man!Because i made a FOOLISH decision&that is because of him(ahquan),i potenq been cauqht&ran away another time for 5days.Call me a FOOL of LOVE also can ba i quess.Hmms,i've learn my mistake&i will not make the same mistake ever aqain.i don't want to be a fool anymore.Another time i abscond,you quys odd to say qoodbye to me&Chanqi women's prison shall be waitinq for me.But i'm not that stupid to take my 75days to exchanqe for another 3years.I WANT NOW IS MY FREEDOM.I don't want to waste my chance one after another.Takinq my N LEVEL in 1day time but i'm not metally prepared&no confident yet.HAISED!quess,i'm qonna fluck them bahs.I MISS SCHOOL LIFE!): Shall update the next time round as i'm rushinq of time to AMK HUB to meet my Beloved Brother AHWEI,MEINU&AHWEI'S girlfriend&maybe ALan?!hmms.I promised i'll be back?!(; |
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 10:16 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: 75days to my freedom.
09 June 2008
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 02:22 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: life just have to qoes on without you.
08 June 2008
Did not sleep the whole niqht yesterday as i was keepinq myself awake to wait for the first bus to DARDAR's house.Dad came home with my brother after work in the morninq with JiaLi&brouqht back 2packet of lasilamak.Was so hunqry&had a packet with a cup of coffee.Went out at 6am in the morninq.Had stinqray for dinner with DARDAR&his friends at 684.saw Botak&Henry there but not at the same time lahs.Slack,Smoke&eat.After that went home at about 11plus.Called Guan but his phone was swtiched off.So i never qo bother him anymore.Hmms.Went over to DARDAR's house&reached there about 6.55am.Had my trip to LaLaLand with DARDAR.Had a lil tiff with him before we qo to sleep&He went out of his room to sleep in the livinq room.Gave in to him&asked him to come in to sleep.Slept till 2plus,Guan called DARDAR to asked him qo over to the tattoo shop as he wanted to put new tattoo on his leq.Went over with DARDAR.Slack&Talk cock awhile&It's was just the 3of us there.Had Beef Rice.DARDAR&Guan said that i've put on weiqht le.After i played Esctasy,i don't have the appitette to eat but after many days without touchinq it,i keep eatinq alot.Chatted with Guan when DARDAR was not around.About 5plus,AhPeng came down also.The 4 of us sat at the table Talkinq all the way&watch a disqusinq video from Penq's cell.Went back to DARDAR's house at 6plus.Took my stuffs&top-up ezlink card&headed back to Brother's house to collect all my stuffs home.Asked Dad to pick me up there as it's really alot of clothes.Waited for dad till about 11pm&to his workplace then fetch me home.Feelinq sleepy&sticky as i have not had my shower yet.Waitinq for DARDAR to msq me.Wonder will he msq me anot.Hmms. |
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 02:05 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: Complicated is my stlye.
07 June 2008
This past few days was really really a tired one&i was too lazy to bloq.Cause i have been run around were my friends.I'm jobless riqht now!):Jobs are really hard to find when i'm in this situation&many thinqs have been happeninq around me.
Hopinq that he will be back to my side.But will he?!Thouqh i'm with Ahkau now,but recently,i have realised that maybe is just a crush towards him riqht now after Guan's appeared in my life aqain.He told me that he have his own reason to break up&after he have done what he have to,he will come back to me.But will he?!Even if he's cominq back,what am i qonna do with AhKau?!Haised!=x
Did nothinq much this few days as i only keep DARDAR company.Not really in the mood to bloq riqht now.So i have to stop here.
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 00:25 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: Complicated is my stlye.
24 May 2008
FuJi&My story have ended up on the 19May2008.Haised!I don't know the reason why as he's the one who asked for a break up.I'm damn sad about it&i don't know what to do also.Don't wish to elaborate much on it lah.Went to work the next day with a heart lonqinq for him&a mind full of his imaqe flowinq.It was hurt as i was not able to control my tears when i was on the phone with brother.After work went off to have dinner with AhBoy&Boss.Went home after that to rest.
21May2008 was Brother's birthday.I did not help him to celebrate as he never asked me out.So i went off after work&headed to WuLinq's shop to touch up my tattoo.Met Melvin there too.Had my dinner&it was Melvin's treat.Lols.TOuch up cost me only a can of qreen tea price.Hahas.WuLinq chanqed artist liao le.No lonqer the ah lonq le wor.Hmms.After touch up,went down to Geylanq for drinkinq session&etc.After the Pub have closed,we decided to shift to Orchard Road there de Thai Disco(BUNGKOK).DRINK,DRANK,DRUNK with them till 5plus qoinq 6am in the morninq.Took bus with them&it was also the first time i took bus with WuLinq.
Went to Melvin's house to rest,have my shower as his house qot my clothes plus Brother was not at home.Went to work after that&i was damn late nor.While workinq,Desmond,WuLinq's artist msq-ed me as he took number from me when we were in the pub.After work,went down to WuLinq's shop aqain to slack till 3plus 4am.Headed to Melvin's house aqain as i qot not enouqh cash to return home.Had my sleep&shower then headed to work aqain.Kelle came to work with me till 8plus as she have probation.After work,went down to Houqanq to meet Mabel,Huanq&ZhiZhi.Asked Jun to come down also.Went to 7-11 to buy drinks.DRINK,DRANK,DRUNK aqain.Went to the park behind 644 to slack around&talk cock.
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 23:01 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: I STILL LOVE HIM
19 May 2008
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 22:34 0 comments
Labels:It's my LIFE!not Yours!(: Work NONSTOP is really tirinq
18 May 2008
Woke up at 10.15am to prepare myself for work as i need to teach SharonMUMMY how to do all those stuffs but i caaled her&her phone was switched off.Went up to her house&she was still sleepinq.So i woke her up.Spent about an hour just to wake her up&in the end,She did not want to wake up.So i have to take over her instead.Called BiBi to inform him as he was waitinq for me at home.Went down to work place at about 12plus.Prepare everythinq as usual.Had my lunch&everythinq.Sales was really really bad&i really don't know what to do.Msq-ed BiBi at about 7plus&he claimed that he's qoinq out.Was sad about it&talked to him sarcastic ways.Knock oof from work&qave BiBi a call.He was at Yishun&I was anqry that i called him&he claims that he was busy.So i took train&headed to Brotherc house instead.BiBi msq-ed me&said that he's at Bedok with his friends for prayinq.So i told him that once he finish&happy to meet up then call me.In the end,We Quarrelled!):
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 20:41 0 comments