07 June 2008

Walkinq down an empty stairs in my life.
Complicated is what i could describle everythinq that i'm doinq riqht now.

This past few days was really really a tired one&i was too lazy to bloq.Cause i have been run around were my friends.I'm jobless riqht now!):Jobs are really hard to find when i'm in this situation&many thinqs have been happeninq around me.

Hopinq that he will be back to my side.But will he?!Thouqh i'm with Ahkau now,but recently,i have realised that maybe is just a crush towards him riqht now after Guan's appeared in my life aqain.He told me that he have his own reason to break up&after he have done what he have to,he will come back to me.But will he?!Even if he's cominq back,what am i qonna do with AhKau?!Haised!=x

Did nothinq much this few days as i only keep DARDAR company.Not really in the mood to bloq riqht now.So i have to stop here.