(Melvin , how you do in charge huhs ? you also skive ! no wonder all follow you skive lah ! I think i can in charge better then you in future !*KIDDING*)

Bryan Ong Jian Song

They are twins actually . 3minutes different .
If you got the chance to see the whole company working together , you will see GENUINE MOBLIE turn upside down man ! they can be crazy when they are but serious if they want to too . With them all around , you won't feel bored in work but time passed damn farking fast .
Sorry , sort of Patrick's , Melvin's & Shawn's Photo . Will try to get it ASAP then it'll become whole company's photo .
Now , none other then ME , MYSELF & I .
(the only lady in this company )

Smile ! :D
This is the picture that i took when i went to resort after work with LongBiao & his friends to celebrate his farewell to Thailand . I like this photo but my photography standard is bad as you can see the toliet bowl . *laughs*
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