16 May 2008

Yesterday was too sleepy to bloq.So today i shall update everythinq at one qo then!(:
Went to work late man!Reach about 12.20pm.Prepare everythinq for work.Sales this few days was not really very qood&I lost 3 cards sia!):Boss was not happy about it also.So end up my salary was been deducted $48.00!=x
After work,BiBi,Brother&YiRu came to fetch me.Head down to ChunFa's house downstairs.Slack awhile while waitinq for YiGuanq's arrival.When he reached,we headed off to YiRu's house downstairs as he need to chanqe the visor,take helmet&also wait for WeiYinq(YiRu's qirlfriend).About 9plus,ZheTinq came alonq.Slack&Talk cock awhile there&headed to the nearby Patrol station to meet ChunFa&TinqTinq there.Headed down to SunBurst as they need to do somethinq reqardinq bikes.Darren came down to take somethinq&went off home.So we headed to Tampines to fetch YiGuanq's qirlfriend,Star&we headed off to Loyanq Tow Pek Gonq to pray.When we were about to reach, BiBi turned&my rinq drop out.It was a fate to let it drop bah.That was what BiBi told me as it was qiven by my EX-boyfriend.By then,Andy came down also.When we reached,there was road block in the riqht junction.They called Andy to be careful&alert him about it as he have no lisence for his bike.BiBi brouqht Ice Cream for me!(:
They were seperated as Ladies&Gentlemen qroup to talk cocks.WeiYinq asked me over but i was like,no common topics to talk about.So i sat there sliently ate my ice cream.After finishinq the ice cream,we went off to pray as a qroup.After prayinq,We headed to Chanqi Villaqe for supper.Had Nasi Lamak with BiBi.There's one part that i really make myself paiseh.When YiGuanq asked BiBi whether he qot work today anot then i thouqht i heard him sayinq am i workinq today anot.They were all was blur&then i realised that i was talkinq no link.Everyone was lauqhinq at me nor.I lauqh till i was choke by the chilli.lols.Then another one is YiGuanq spotted a red mark on BiBi's neck&thouqht that it was a LOVE BITE.But it was a MOSQISTO BITE.Then keep disturbinq BiBi.Then everyone started disturbinq us.After Supper,we went one round Chanqi Villaqe to "Exbit" the AhGua.Woah!Some of them was really pretty nor.But BiBi&I spotted a AhGua breast was very far apart compared to us ladies.lols.Accompanied ZheTinq to pump oil for his bikes.Then headed back to Brother's house as BiBi wanted to qo Malaysia to pump oil&Buy ciqqrette.So i have to wait for him then head to his house but end up i fall asleep.Asked Brother to wake me up but he didn't.BiBi came back at about 3plus.Woke up suddenly at 6plus in the morninq.Was feelinq sad as i did not meet up with BiBi.Checked Brother's phone&saw BiBi's messaqe.Then i msq-ed him&asked him is he back home but qot no reply.So i dozed off aqain.Woke up in the morninq at about 9plus to prepare for work&to my surprise,i saw BiBi sleepinq on the sofa!Was very happy.Woke him up&talk to him but BiBi was too tired then i went off the have my shower.Once aqain,i woke BiBi up to ask him to qo in to the room to sleep&no reponse.So i lefted him alone&do my stuff.Suddenly BiBi came in&rest on the bed.Slacked awhile&BiBi fetch me to work.After preparinq everythinq,went to have my lunch with BiBi.After Lunch,BiBi went back home to rest&i start my work.Today's sales was not very qood too.Boss asked me out for Movie but i rejected.It was so sudden.I have to admit that i'm afraid that somethinq may happen.But i still will only have BiBi in my heart.After work,i came back to Brother's home straiqht without any delays.Had my shower&now sittinq in front of the computers to update my bloq&also my both friendster account while waitinq for BiBi's call as we qonna meet up for awhile as his havinq his breaks at 11pm.Shall bloq till here le as BiBi will be havinq his break soon.