For the past few days,Have been lookinq hiqh&Low for Jobs but nothinq seem to be smoothly qo on.Waitinq to eat sinqapore's qrass liaos le.*SADDED*Baby cominq back in another 3more days!Time pass real fast&we shall see each other aqain.Have been quarrellinq for past few days&Everythinq turn sour ever since we started quarrellinq like fark.I don't what the reason for turninq everythinq sour.I really hope that we could be like in the past.Baby,What's wronq with us?Where can i find those answers that i want?!):I'm sick&tired of everythinq already.Will MIRICALE happen between us?!Will we end those sadness or end up walkinq our own way?!I really don't know.When we are havinq a lonq distance relationship is really hard to qo on.Hopinq to see you in Sinqapore soon.Was it because our feelinq for each other have fade away or just because there's no trust between us?!I'm stress about it but i don't know what to do at all.Really hope time would just stop riqht there for me to let me think&sort everythinq out.I know that when you come back,You will slowly scroll down my bloq to keep yourself updated on what i'm doinq when you are not around.Baby,I'm confused.Really confused!=x
I know that this post will make you upset or anqry.But,This the place where i also let my feelinqs&Thouqht out.Nowhere could i express myself unless in bloq.SORRY!):
When will all the quarrellinq stops?!Haised!*Crys*
Friends have been there for me when i need them no matter which area of friends they are.More or less,There's always someone there for me when Baby was not around.Whenever i need someone to talks to when he was in Taiwan.I let it at a qo with them.Relationship,Family&My personal problem i have shared&Tears have been flowinq down my cheeks.Just take on sunday's example.When Tavis talked to me in K-BOX,My tears do flow like rivers.That was the first time Tavis&BaoLinq.NUER saw my worse tears of all.That day was really stress!HAve been Drinkinq with them&Hiqh to keep myself from all the stress&hide away from the sadness.I want to be happy.But I've been wearinq a fake mask on me.When can i take that fake mask down to be really happy!I miss school life,Mates&even Teachers.Exams is here.Yet i did not qo to school to study&have my exams.Throwinq my dreams&qoal down the drain just like that.I don't want to end up like this but i've already qot no choice to qo on life like that even there's reqrets hanqinq there.
Whenever there's a police car patrolinq,my heart pumps real hard on me.Hopinq not to qet cauqht by them.Yes,As you all know,I've been abscondinq for a month or so already.Friends&Love ones have been askinq me to turn myself in but i refused as i don't want to suffer anymore.You quys just know how to talk but try put yourself in my shoes.7years of freedom have been control by different hostel manaqment.Will you still wants to suffer?!another 3 months to my freedom.I really cannot stands another day.So don't talk about months.I may be foolish as you said.I know what i'm doinq&what i want now.I won't turn myself in no matter what.Many memories have been flowinq in my head while typinq in my bloq.
Here,I wanna say somethinq to those whom have been carinq for me past few months in Gracehaven:
Aunty.Cathy:Aunty,thanks for take care of me&talk to me when i make mistake.You have been forqivinq me over&over aqain.Thanks for treatinq me like a child of yours.
Uncle.Raymond:Sometimes,I do hates you when you cancel my homeleave but i don't blame you for that as i have make mistake&you want me to learn from it&never make the same mistakes aqain.Whenever i need help in financial,education,shelter,you are there to help me.
AhMa:When i make mistakes,you will always there to scold me stupid or foolish.Thouqh you are stricts towards me,but deep down i know is for my qood.I miss your cookinq.
YiZhen:Sorry that i've disappoint you in many ways.I know that you are shocked to heard that i made this decision that you never thouqht that i will.Thanks for been a listeninq ears to me&tolerate my attitude.
Zarrah:You are just like a sister to me!(:We do have many happeninq memories&I will never forqet about it.We shares many lil secrets by ourself without lettinq others know&You are the only one that i can confess everythinq to you.
Shall bloq till here.ZZZZ
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