17FEB2008.I REALLY LOVE HIM.Scare to lost him man!After what happen to Gabriel&Me that relationship,i TOTALLY lost my confident&faith in relationship.He's the one who gave me back everythiing and get out from my sorrows.WILL WE LAST LONG?!idon't know.But i hope so.I'm sad and don't know what to do as this few days,we had cold war with each other.He don't really message me nor call me.Hate it man!=(sad lahs.Whatever it is,i will let natural take place.Idon't want care so much.Maybe we are too fast le bahs.Cause we don't really know each other.=(On Thursday,Went to LINGKWAN HOME to do CIP for the old folks,We help to clean their beds for them.Haha.We enjoyed doing that alright?!=xWhile helping to clean up,We were singing songs to entertain ourselves&i became their AUNTY to carry so many bags for them and take all the 3 pails for my group.DAMN IT!Damn AHSOH lorhs!hahas.Today is LEAP year!But not a good day for me.Finished school at 12.10pmSlack at 105 with friends and wait for him to come down.He came down at about 2pm and went back home at about 2plus.Reached Hostel at 3pm.Changed and wait for my mum till 5pm then she finally come and we quarrelled abit.cause of SCHOOL FEES&MY FINE.Damn stress man!=xWent back home after talking to A.SERENE.Reached home about 6pm and bath.Went down to North to meet Mabel to get back my phone.GOSH!from daylight waited till night.No one was there!Walked to North 2.On the way,i saw Noel and asked him to call Mabel.She was on her way then.Went to North to find JiaRong they all.Slack all the way there.HuiPing,Shirley,Daphanie,Keith,AhBomb,Jonathan,HuiQi,XiaoBai,Mabel&QiuYun was there.Slacked till 9.55pm,X.Patrick came and picked me up and fetch me back home&here i am,sitting in front of the computer and blogging right now.Waiting for him to finish work and message me.WIll he?!=X 12.10
29 February 2008
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 23:26 0 comments
17 February 2008
Afternoon was suppose to blog.But doing things like HOUSEWORKGUYS,I got do housework de keas!=XRushing out of my house at 12.45noon.Went down to North Ave1 to meet Tavis.Damn!!He said meet me at 1plus,in the end i reach le,he still at home.wells,before i carry on.When i reached North 1,the bus stop that i alight nearby got a MAMAshop.So i took the risk to by CIGARETTE with my OWN EZ-LINK CARD.and i manage to get one pack of MARLBORO ICE MINT.The Lady thought i was born at 18/01/1990.But the problem is that,my date of birth is 08/10/1990.Don't know why the lady eyes got something wrong.Haha.=XWent over to 105.Wait for Tavis till 2 plus then come down.=.=lllSlack awhile at 105 then accompany him to NTUC there to buy 4-D for his mum.Reach there,i line-up for him while he circle the numbers as there's really damn loads of people in the line.After that,went to 147 coffee shop sit down.He ordered drinks and i did'nt as i'm not that thirsty.The wind there really big lah.Make my hair fly here and there like a mad women go out without combing the hair!hahaha.Shift to 117 slack.At that time,ZhiZhi came down le.About 15mins or so later,Jia Rong DI came down,Keith and Stanley came along.Sit there half way,i wanted to go to the toliet,so i ask Tavis to accompany me go 147 coffee shop de toilet.Mabel and Bestie Lim(DAPHAINE)called Tavis.Ask him go 111 to help them buy cigarette.Ask me to accompany him.so i did.On the way,he kept disturbing me and push me to bang cars in the carpark.Brought cigarette for them and went back to 117 with them.JiaRong ran away and step one that he took mine cardigan and Tavis's phone(N73) go home.Tavis gave him a chase.But eventually,it's with ZhiZhi.hahaha.They kept talking about BESTIE LIM and Tavis fell down when they were in RedHouse the day before yesterday.It was so funny that everyone have a great laugh at it.=)Slack all the way at 117 and i was abit sleepy by then.Went off at 6pm with Tavis and we went to 101 opposite de bus stop take bus.We took 74 to interchange as i sent him to work.Instead of sending him,end up is he sent me go take bus at Hougang Plaza downstairs that bus stop.When the bus came,i board the bus and he walked back to the interchange alone.Suppose to meet HONG and KEONG at 646.But too long never step into Hougang le.Forgotten how to walk to 646 le.End up meeting them at Hougang Macdonald outside.Patrick came out of the sudden and gave me a shock.He went home went he saw Hong and Keong walking over.Slack all the way till 7.30pm and Garfield came along.Things were getting abit out of hand as there's some conflicts between Keong,Hong and Wee.Wee were suppose to meet us there and said that he was on his way down.But when he heard that Hong and Keong was there,he message Garfield and asked him to go home first.The next time we did was,asked Garfield to call Wee.Hong talked with Wee.Expecting him to come but,in the end Wee did not turn up.Yan called Hong said that Wee not coming down as he need Wee for some other things.Don't know is true anot lah.But we got to listen to Yan.I asked Garfield to go home first since he need to.Off he go and lefted the 3 of us there outside MAC slacking all the way till 9pm then we slowly walked down to Hougang Interchange to take bus home.Keong sent me home.Reached home at about 10pm.1st curfew call came at 10.55pm.Iron clothes and slack abit,watching TVs and off to bath after removing my make up.2nd call came at 11.30pm.Nothing to do.So i open up the fridge and found Fish and Crabs in the fridge.Imade hot and ate it.That was my whole meals for today.Haha.Gonna be on diet man!=XUpon finishing,Tavis finished work le.So i called him up to chat.Was very bored that's why lahs.He was at 146 with Mabel,Peter,ZhiZhi,JiaRong,Daphaine and many others i think.Phone passes here and there.ALmost can't recongise their voices man!Chat halfway with ZhiZhi and the phone went dead.Tavis message me then i know that his phone battery was dead.Think blog till here le lah.It's a very long Blog i think.=XBlog till here and shall be contiune again!=)
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 00:46 0 comments
09 February 2008
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 13:26 0 comments
chu yi went to my god granny(my mum godmother)which is just opposite my block at about 10am.went to my fourth aunt house to fetch them to granny's house at pairs ris.when we reach there,many relatives already there.step into the house and i got my angbaos from them one by one.so excited to get ANGBAOS man!=)Slack all the way at there kind of bored.so we started our cousins-gambling session(blackjack).After playing for about 2 to 3 hours,everyone started to tired of the game and i was so sleepy to contiune.went down to smoke with cousin that smokes too.After having dinner which the rest have and i don't as i want to go on a diet,we sent my fourth aunt to AMK HUB to meet up with her friends and head back home cause my stupid curfew of 10pm.kind of tired too.mum&dad sent brother&sister to fourth aunt house together with my cousins to stay over at her house.WEES~so happy that they went to her house to stay cause no one will snatch computer with me!hahahas.mum&dad then went out with friends for barberque gathering.i was lefted alone at home.Log in to MSN and XingYuan was online.chat with him.then ask me out for gathering at Ah Gu house.so,after my Curfew calls,went to bath&get ready to go out.As i was preparing myself,Benson called me said that he's coming down with his girlfriend to my house to find me.so i waited for them and met them at my house downstairs.About half an hours of talking about the past memories and some friends,i went off to take a cab down to Ah Gu's house.reached his house at about 1am.they were having Majong session.Sam,Sam's girlfriend,Ahkuay and Xingyuan was there.they were gonna finish their games when i reached.Sam and his girlfriend head back home.the rest of us slack at AhGu's house.Xingyuan&Ahkuay was drinking.then that idiot XingYuan force me to drink.from one mouth to three mouths.we drank VODKA with SPRITE.got no choice,i force it down my throat.head towards to 401 for supper.walked half-way,we sat down at block to slack awhile.This is what we did when we were slacking together.XingYuan,Me&AhKuay.
The Fresh from Army de AhKuay whom wants us to take a photo of Himself yet step-Shy to let us take.=.=
XingYuan.Who likes to step-cool with his sunglasses on.
after we slack,we walked to block401 to tabao food to eat.on the way,we were deciding where to eat.so we decided to go senkang which is damn near for them to go back as they stays there!dots.The poor me have to take cab home again.=(
Kuay&I had Hokkien Mee while Yuan had ChaoKuayTiao.After buying,we told cab down to sengkang to slack.
After a Few mouth,i was too Hungry to eat,so i wasted the whole pack of food.
sitting there in the void deck with cold windy weather,we was bored and sleepy.Kuay decide to have a walk.It was a lame idea as we were walking down the stairs and guess what,that was the walk that he wanted!=.=*BOOM*we were bored once again and we slack at the stair case instead.everyone with a sleepy eyes.Sitting there like an sleepy idiots,we decided to head back home.I took a cab home&reach home at about 6am in the morning.changed myself&head to my bed to have a good nap.Just 3hours of nap,i woke up as i have to meet Ben Wong&HonWah at cineleisure at 12noon.While waiting for HonWah,we went for a walk down orchard and guess what,i used to be in Orchard with LOADS of PEOPLE.But yesterday down the streets,Shops are almost everything close¬ many people was there!that was the FIRST time i've seen ORCHARD like these.Haha.went to play pool at Cineleisure K-POOL.Honwah reached by then when we were having the 1st game.1.40pm,we end the game and head up to level 9 where we catch our Movie(AH LONG PTE LTD)
It was a Funny show.Was sleepy inside the Cinema but trying hard to watch from the start to the end as it was a nice show.hahaha.GOSH!HonWah laugh damn loud man!LOLS!after the show finished,HonWah kept inmitate Mark Lee as the Sissy dance instructor.Really cannot stand him man!Head towards Basement for dinner.Had MeeSiam.went for a walk down again as Ben wants to buy a belt eventually but in the end he found nothing that he think suits him.Head towards MRT station to catch a train to AMK and we went different directions.Met Freddy at AMK for a POOL session.Saw Wilson there too.At 7.oopm,Head back home and change as i need to reach Hostel by 8pm.went back and stayed for a night
.Ahma was in the morning shift and brought us out for Breakfast.We went for Prata.Waited damn long for my Prata.in the end,we were late and have to head back to hostel at 9am as parents coming to bring us for Time-off at 9am to 8pm today.Eileen found a piece of Alumiuim foil inside her Cheese prata.Ahma complain and they change another piece for her.Debbie and I couldn't get our Prata in the end man!
Dad came to fatch me today.Going BaiNian later with Freddy&Ahwee.GOt to end here as i need to prepare myself for visiting man.will be Blogging again the Next homeleave.
PINNED BY XIAONA™ at 10:20 0 comments